FunFinance Weekend Club

FunFinance provides business education for kids all year round at their popular Weekend Club.

FunFinance Weekend Business Club provides business education for kids. Our financial literacy experience teaches your child business concepts, explains the role of money in the new economy, introduces modern industries and talks about sustainable business practices.

Our Weekend Club offers a wide range of online and virtual activities. FunFinance connects kids from different parts of the world. Your child will discover the world of modern finance, business and economy while having fun with their international peers.

We use methodologies from top-class MBA schools adapting to the abilities of children in the corresponding age group

What makes our business education for kids a unique learning experience?

  • An exciting curriculum which teaches about the world in the 21st century with examples of modern companies, new industries, and future trends
  • An international community of young individuals who are truly interested in the topic and motivated to learn
  • Activities that aim to develop key competencies, such as creativity, adaptability and critical thinking
  • Proven methodology, engaging topics and passionate tutors

Curriculum designed by kids for kids

We love hearing what children say about our courses and what businesses they are inspired by and want to learn about.

“I did not know finance could be fun”

….is one of the most popular comments we get from our students.

How do we do it?

  • We talk about companies kids care about
  • Our business cases examples involve kids as protagonists
  • We let students actively participate in our classes and make it possible thanks to low student to teacher ratio and a methodology focused on debate

FunFinance Virtual Business School is an authority in virtual business education for kids

We have been running virtual group activities for kids and adults since 2016 and know how to engage students virtually. Our FunFinance program has always been designed as a virtual program, long before the pandemic!

A few examples of activities organised by FunFinance

Business Education for Kids

FunFinance Virtual Summer CampSummers 2020, 2021 & 2022 – attended by kids from Indonesia, the Philippines, Spain, Switzerland, Ireland, Kenya, Bolivia, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, the UK, USA & Canada

FunFinance Virtual Event for Global Money WeekSpring 2018 – with children speakers aged 8 to 11 from the UK, Spain, Malaysia, Jordan & Turkey

FunFinance Virtual Conference on the Scarcity of Natural ResourcesFall 2017 – where our speakers were children aged 9 to 12 years old located in UK, the Netherlands, Spain, Russia & Turkey

This year our Weekend Club is offering a variety of learning activities for different age groups and levels of financial literacy

How to join?

Joining the Weekend club couldn’t be easier, first choose a time and day that suits you and then book using our online portal. The minimum term is 5 sessions and this ensures that your child can complete one study module and receive a completion certificate. Before completion of each module, you will be asked if you would like to book for the following module of 5 classes.

You can choose 1 of 3 ways to participate in the FunFinance Weekend Club which is available during the academic year:

  • The FunFinance Weekend club is normally taught in a group situation, which brings together students from different parts of the world.  Your child is part of this group who meet at an assigned time each week.
  • Alternatively, you can request Private Tutoring and receive one to one teaching you can request a specific time that suits you (depending on tutor availability) The minimum booking is for one study module (5 – 8 sessions depending on your child’s individual learning pace.)
  • Or you can request our ‘Book a Tutor’ program which is designed for friendship groups of up to 8 students – you secure a time slot for your group to meet via zoom each week and receive the classes for a set fee per group per study module.
Weekend Club
Pre- Teens
(9 – 12 year old)
Weekend Club
(13 – 14 year old)
Private tutoring
(one to one format)
Book a tutor –
Friendship course
Start dateFall / Winter 22Fall / Winter 22 On demandOn demand
Duration /
Time table
Study modules
of 5 sessions
Study modules
of 5 sessions
On demandOn demand
Programs Money Basics, Business Basics,
Young Investors
Money Smart Teens, Young InvestorsMoney Basics,
Business Basics,
Young Investors
Money Basics,
Business Basics,
Young Investors
Money back guaranteeYesYesYesYes
Free trial classFirst class of the program used as non-obligation taster lessonFirst class of the program used as non-obligation taster lessonYesFirst class of the program used as non-obligation taster lesson
Price€150 /approx. $175 per study module €150 /approx. $175 per study module approx. €250 / $275 per study module€350 / approx. $425 -maximum 8 students for one flat fee per study module
Check our schedules depending of your country, children age and time zone.
DayNew York
Saturday -Pre-teens08:00 09:0011:0015:0017:00
Saturday -Teens09:0010:0012:0016:0018:00
Sunday – Pre-teens10:00 am15:0016:0018:00
Sunday – Teens11:00 am16:0017:0019:00

Book now to avoid disappointment!

Not ready to buy the course today?

We are available to chat through any concerns or provide more information regarding our Weekend Club or any other course we offer by contacting us below.

In the meantime, check out this video with our Founder Lena Perepelova and FunFinance Tutor Helen to find out more about our business education for kids:

Any more questions?

Check our section of FAQ