We at FunFinance Virtual Business School teach financial skills to kids and youth. We strongly believe that understanding finance, especially by children and youth, would diminish inequality and improve social equilibrium.
For that reason, we are really encouraged to see the recent vision statement issued by United Nations. The statement includes financial skills among the set of skills that all young people need in order to overcome the challenges of today’s world and to make good decisions for their future.
Transforming Education Summit
On 19th September 2022, heads of state and other influential decision-makers met at the United Nations Transforming Education Summit to respond to the global crisis in education. As a result of COVID-19, 90% of the world’s children have had their education interrupted. The subsequent impact is devastating and will likely last for generations. It is also especially true for girls and young women. With this in mind, the TES elevates education to the top of the global political agenda. It aims to mobilize action, ambition, solidarity and solutions to recover these pandemic-related learning losses and transform education in a rapidly changing world.
“We must bring more attention to how the world can be transformed by elevating financial literacy” said Anna Lusardi, Founder and Academic Director of the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC) at the UN Transforming Education Summit. “It is an essential skill for young people worldwide to have in the twenty-first century.”
We could not agree more. We hope more people will join us on this mission to transform education!
Here is an excerpt of the new vision statement as issued by UN Secretary-General António Guterres:
“Learning to do calls for a focus on a whole new set of skills, including digital literacy, financial skills, and emerging technical and STEM skills. Transformed education systems should develop flexible career management skills, and promote innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship.”
For the full statement, read here: Transforming Education Summit vision statement.
Financial skills through FunFinance Virtual Business School
Find out about FunFinance Virtual Business School and how we teach financial skills to kids and youth through our FunFinance Courses, designed in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.